If WIP morning show buffoon morning show host Angelo Cataldi is backing Milton Street's candidacy, we'll jump on the bandwagon, too.
The Inky's "Live From" blog has the play-by-play from Milton's appearance this morning on 610. It includes comic gems like:
Cataldi: "People are afraid of you because you're radical. Do you believe that?"
Street: Says he's "strong." "You have a lot of candidates out there that's using news clips and tlaking a lot of gloopedyglop and doesn't get to the meat of the issue. ..."
Somehow, former Eagle Hugh Douglas comes out as the voice of political reason. The same man who asked me, day after day when I covered the team five years ago, if I rode my bicycle to the NovaCare Center. (It was a '94 Chevy Beretta GT, thank you very much).
Hugh Douglas: "That was a shame. That was a shame. I don't even know what to say after that ... You know, two crazy people on the radio shouldn't talk to each other. ... It's ridiculous. I can't believe you did that."
Cataldi: "I look out for my city. That's my man."
Douglas: "You just egged him on."
Street, meanwhile, is looking for a new attorney after he jettisoned his court-appointed one yesterday.
UPDATE: WIP has placed an Mp3 of the Milton-Cataldi chat on its Web site.