Milton Street promised a few weeks back that he'd exit the mayor's race if 5,000 people didn't show up for a noontime rally Thursday at Dilworth Plaza. He couched that on WIP's morning show Tuesday, saying it doesn't necessarily need to be 5,000 to keep him in the race.
We're sure creative accounting would be in order whether he wants 5,000 or not. Man crossing 15th Street toward City Hall? Here for Milton. Using the city's $0.25 a flush pay toilet? Milton supporter. Woman catching a smoke 20 feet from City Hall's entrances (you all know about the 20-foot rule, right?), here for Milty.
Metro's offices provide a perfect view of the rally site. We'll do our best professional crowd estimation from up here.
(As all of Milton's campaign posters, this one's courtesy of D-Mac at Philly WillDo. He also lets us know that Milton's appearance on WYSP's Kidd Chris show Tuesday yielded the "Milton Man March" label.)