T. Milton Street launched his campaign Web site Wednesday, not to be confused with this one, and is prepping for a "Stop The Violence Empowerment Rally” this morning.
A press release on the Web site says it will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will include Live Music, Petition Signing, Keynote Address from T. Milton Street, Interviews with the Press, Meet and Greet with Supporters. He's expected to greet his minions at noon.
Milton lays out his mission:
It is my mission to lead the people of Philadelphia to a place of power with respect to the violence that seems unstoppable. City Hall will hear and acknowledge the plan of the people.
In case you were wondering, the "T"in his name no longer stands for Tom. Now, it stands for "tough." Tough on violence, homelessness and unemployment, according to the site.