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April 04, 2007



I question the extent to which Fattah's ground operation is "sound," but I will admit that boots on the ground on Election Day are important. Are they more important than tv ads? I guess we'll soon find out.

A few months ago, the polls indicated this was Chaka's race to lose. I think the better question to ask is: why is the supposed front-runner having so much trouble raising money? (I don't buy "fundraising limits" as the answer. Evans has more than double CoH than Fattah and he's working under those same limits.)

Kudos to the Nutter camp and all those campaigns that do not release their reports early. I'm all about disclosure - as much as the law requires. No reason for the other camps to follow up Fattah's error with one of their own. If the law gives them 'til May 4th, then they should use it.

Fattah must be as illiterate as Brady - neither one can read or fill out a form!

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