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April 17, 2007


Fattah is nothing but a liar and a crook who needs to be thrown in jail for breaking the law.


Anybody think that Channel 10 will cover this tonight? Somehow, I doubt it.


Lets review, Chaka has 1) Proposed a plan for leasing the airport which is not realistic (both financially and legally), 2) Broken campaign finance laws resulting in the repayment mentioned above, 3) Made openly negative comments regarding the importance of Center City Planning and business development.

Is this someone who can lead the whole city? I think not. Is this someone interested in acting as a cheerleader for the City and attracting new jobs? I think not.


4) gone to court to argue against the city's right to not only set campaign contribution limits, but also regulate any other areas of campaign finance (including the current law, introduced by Michael Nutter while still on city council, that regulates large campaign contributors' ability to get city contracts).


No mention of the Fattah penalty on the NBC 10 website.


How is this considered fair coverage?


I found your site on Google Blogsearch and i and read a few of your other posts.

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