Even PhillyMag editor Larry Platt admits that his magazine's endorsement of Michael Nutter might not mean that much at the polls.
"I don't think that endorsements ultimately do that much," he said. "I'd like to think that it does, but I think we have an obligation as a media institution to just call it like we see it and let the chips fall where they may."
So, with its May edition, Platt put a naked cancer survivor on the cover, a banner telling voters to pick Mike Nutter ("It's important," says the Mag), and another teaser on the magazine's in-depth Tom Knox profile. "Is Tom Knox a Fraud?"
The magazine has a paid circulation of 110,000 (with another 30,000 copies a month sold on newsstands) with about 30 percent of its subscription coming from the city.
Nutter used the endorsement press conference at his Center City office to take what may be his first foray into the Tom Knox Bashfest. While not a full frontal attack — like Dwight Evans' "Where's the Beef?" press conference about to happen outside of the Wendy's in Nutter's building (where firefighters just rushed to help a guy sprawled out in front of the Dunkin Donuts) — Nutter questioned where Knox has been as he's built up a 15-year record of public service.
"I actually have a record," Nutter said. "He has a TV record, I have a public record. That's what we're dealing with here."
Hey Dwight -where be your campaign?
Posted by: Chakka Davenport | April 24, 2007 at 10:21 PM