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May 09, 2007




look at the end of that ad, and you can see it was taken without permission from:


Can I go after them for this? Any lawyers in the house?

Short Schrift

The ad is misleading: Nutter has never proposed to "let police suspend constitutional rights in some neighborhoods."

Everything Nutter has proposed is legal under the constitution and the city charter -- the relevant decision is Terry vs. Ohio. In fact, the "stop, question, and frisk" searches are called "Terry searches."

There is legitimate debate about the impact of Nutter's plan, both on crime and on the communities it touches. But the constitutionality of the plan has never been in question.


That's weird...You're the Internet guy, Aaron. Any idea what kind of free use laws are at play?

each day Fattah sounds more like Street, Fattah is Street version 2.0


since i posted it on youtube i believe it is up to them. here is there policy:


i don't have much time right now to check into the fine print. i believe in the end anything you post there is copyright of youtube.

Copyright Lawyer

You own the copyright to your video regardless of if you posted it on YouTube. Posting material on the Internet does not automatically put the work in the public domain. Third party use of your work for a political advertisement would be a violation of your copyright. You should send a threatening letter, but with only a week left and the ad already running on TV, it probably won't do much good. I guess you can try to get money out of them if you want to make their lives difficult.

Copyright Lawyer

To clarify, political speech does enjoy hightened protection under copyright, but that doesn't mean 527s have free reign to steal whatever material they want for their hit pieces.


thanks. i don't know if i'll have the time or enegry to pursue this.


Call Fattah (215-829-1620) to remind him that he plegded to not "go negative" at the beginning of the campaign.

Don't call anybody - just tell knox to get the hell out of town -we do not need him and never will like him -he is a slime bucket

THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. You should see an attorney.

There is not "free use." There is "fair use" of copyrighted materials, licenses (like Creative Commons or paid for), and public domain. Almost nothing is in the public domain except works from long, long ago. I don't think this would fair use, but an attorney could analyze it. There might be something special about political propaganda.

Nutter has attorneys on staff. One should be happy to help you. In addition to the people behind the ad, I think the stations would be liable if they run the ad if they are notified that it is copyright infringement. (An email to all the TV stations like your post on YPP might be sufficient.)

This ad should be refused just because it is such a lie. Copyright violations are just another reason to yank it.


Man, there's no base Knox fails to cover. He has people monitoring the blogs and threatening the ones who get close to the truth, he has his hired goons, goombahs, thugs, and gang members intimidating people on the street, he works hard to get people he perceives as threats thrown off the ballot, and now he's got the media blackmailed and bamboozled and afraid to show ads that do not cast him in the positive (and mis-leading) light he's picked for himself.

Come on people, if truth in advertising were the basis for our media outlets to show or not show an ad, then it seems to me any ad where Knox portrays himself as a public servent, who is interested in doing good for his fellow man, and will be a reformer casting out the corrupt political machine (Jannie Maxwell ring a bell?) should NOT be aired.

Thugs R Us

One correction for Catherine - trust this info - the derogatory Italian comment notwithstanding(which I am certain you took literary license to get your point across)-the Italians can't stand Dougherty and his 98 punks -they watched too many Goodfella movies and have always tried to be Italian - but they cannot...

Let's set the record straight - knox hired local 98 and Doc; that tells you that he is not an outsider, or a reformer -just a fake, fraud and a bad person...a very rich bad person to say the least.


I made a derogatory comment about Italians? If so I did in utter ignorance and I sincerely apologize. Which word are you taking exception to? It's one thing to be derogatory and insulting on purpose, its totally another to think a word is acceptible only to learn it is not. If someone would take the time to educate me to which word our Thugs R Us poster is referring to, I'd appreciate it greatly. Thanks.

Thugs R Us

Catherine -"goombahs" it is an Italian reference similar to a Patrone or "Patron" / sponsor. Anyway -I did not mean to imply that you did it intentionally and your comments are right on point anyway...OK?

Now I repeat: the Italians can't stand Dougherty and his 98 punks -they watched too many Goodfella movies and have always tried to be Italian - but they cannot...

Let's set the record straight - knox hired local 98 and Doc; that tells you that he is not an outsider, or a reformer -just a fake, fraud and a bad person...a very rich bad person to say the least.


Thank you "Thugs R Us" For a "Thug" you seem to be a very nice and intelligent person. I appreciate you taking the time to educate me, and whole-heartedly agree with your comments of Knox. I feel like passing out buttons that say "vote evil in 07, Knox for Mayor". The more I learn about him, the more strongly I feel he is totally unfit for any sort of public office, or an office where trust, money, ethics are involved.

Thanks again for setting the record straight and the language lesson :-)

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