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May 03, 2007


Hearing guys like Doc talk makes me feel good about voting for Nutter.

When you consider the state of this City - I think it's a compliment when certain people appear not to like you. Also - I think more like Nutter than let on - but it's hard to be vocal about the Reform Candidate when you are forced to rely on Brady's teat as head of the Democratic Party....


When you are an outcast - you start trouble to become relevant

That's true. I could be wrong, but it seems like Doc's influence is not as significant anymore. He only comes out of the woodwork when someone needs dirty work done. I'm sure Knox will have no qualms about letting Doc's guys do their thang on e-day.

Just who does this nobody think he is? The people of Philadelphia are absolutely sick and tired of this nonsense.

On May 15th, let's do a total spring cleaning of City Hall - vote for Nutter for Mayor and for the reform slate of City Council candidates!

Ms. Deckerd

Mr. Keel and John Dougherty. I feel compelled to repost some of what I had put down last week, and in light of the City Paper article, I feel that it is certainly warranted. The blog thuggery on display was coordinated and initiated at the behest of those who claimed to do no harm.

I have to say that after reading your posts to the blog thread entitled “Anonymous Signs of all Hell Breaking Loose”, that I am profoundly disturbed. The purpose of this discussion thread was the "cause and effect" anonymous email posted above. The individual who sent this email placed a Brady sign in their window and was rewarded with smashed car windows.

Your response was not to denounce such a heinous act, nor to express sympathy for the victim. Rather, your first course of action was to essentially state "you can't prove I or local 98 had anything to do with this". Look at the first email (not the subsequent posts), there is no reference made to you or 98.

You then launched into your testosterone drenched blog posts, essentially "calling people out". Well, with the documented propensities of Frank Keel and Local 98 during the 2003 election... why would anyone in their right mind not stay anonymous?
Your blog posts are simply a disturbing display of the most base form of politics. No attempt to persuade. No attempt to engage in a dialogue. Simply vitriol laced screeds designed to pummel people into submission.
The amusing thing is, that in a digital environment, the pen (or rather the keyboard) is mightier than the sword. Stripped of your boorish microphone hogging tactics, stripped of your legions, you are shown as nothing more than petulant children. (that need a spanking I might add)
To paraphrase something I remember from my childhood...

"Have you any decency? Have you any decency at all?"

Ill answer for you both. Apparently not.


What is so surprising about this is everyone seems to be acting like this is all a joke. People post an honest concern about car windows really being broken out in response to the posting of a Brady sign and immediately Knox's puppets run by Keel and Doc start posting similar stories, saying Brady people broke in and stole milk, or that Nutter people beat someone's grandmother and killed a dog.

All an obvious effort to disguise the fact that this one poor guy got his windows broken out. They cost $300 to replace. This is true. This is a fact. The car windows really were broken.

Why coordinate such jokes/lies/innuendos? Why ensure that Doc's guys do such things? Why would someone of Keel's stature be blogging on here himself? Well, I guess it's because they know it is true TOO. What happen boys, one of your guys get a little outta hand? I hope you've got the reins tight now, because as the election comes closer I am starting to worry that all this good rousing philly politics fun is going to boil over and someone's gonna get hurt. Seriously hurt. Anyone who would break out windows, anyone who would go to such lengths to coordinate a campaign to blur the truth...well...that sort of person, to me, is capable of anything.

Great job Ms. Deckerd and Catherine -the real truth is that Dougherty is an egotistical madman, who cares only about himself and threatens his union workers with loss of work if they support Brady.

Yet he is irrelevant and has been reduced to being thug like, except that one day he is going to go too far and mess with the wrong people -that's not politics or good government. Sadly, he will make that mistake someday.


How sad it has come to this. Local 98 has always been known for this behavour. They've always acted as thugs (and grade school children) during elections not because the members want to but only because their leadership directs them to do so and as they say "I need the work and have to feed my family so....." Well I think it's time to call in the "Supernanny". Cause these children need a time out and someone needs to go on the "naughty pad"


It's become obvioux that if Tom Knox wins so does Johnny Doc. Someone needs to tell Tom Knox the kind of people he has working for him. If he doesn't get rid of Dougherty, then we know that he condones this kind of behavour and we know what he's about. Is this the kind of administration he will have - thugs running amok? If they don't like someone, they'll smash someone's windows? What's that about? If Mr. Knox doesn't get rid of Dougherty, then we won't vote for Knox because we don't want Knox and Dougherty (and this thugs) running our City !!!

Tim O'Leary

Kudos to Brian Hickey for the City Paper article. If you ask me, it sounds like what Doc is engaging in on the phone is "damage control".

"I want you to get on there," he said into the phone, smirking, "and write about how some guys in Nutter hats smashed your windows because you had a Knox sign"

Sounds like full throttle keel fueled spin to me. The question is, "Why?".

Why pursue this blog so aggressively? Why spread lies? Why react so strongly?

Perhaps, just perhaps, someone got a little over enthusiastic in their support of Knox? Inquiring minds want to know.

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