Both Alex Talmadge and Ken Smukler will speak with the Ethics Board today about their role in the anti-Tom Knox movement.
Smukler tells us he's in ethics board interim executive director J. Shane Creamer Jr.'s office now. He's expected to discuss how it came to pass that a Bob Brady operative gave advice to people about setting up groups to attack his boss' opponent.
And, Talmadge just put out a press release announcing an 11 a.m. news conference outside of the ethics board office to call on the American Civil Liberties Union to step in to help get Smukler's anti-Knox ad on the air. Talmadge plans to file an injunction next week, he says.
We're in our special Northeast Philadelphia bunker, so we won't be making it.
I can't beleive how perferctly Bumbling Bob Brady has played into Tom Knox's hands. Could these stupid 527's make the Democratic Party look more inept, goonish, and corrupt? In fact, if Tom Knox wins, Bumbling Bob is definitely to blame. Labor is divided. The street machine is divided. There is no one to help one of the lesser candidates fold their tents and make a deal with Nutter. If Knox wins, Brady should definitely lose his chairmainship and maybe his job as Congressman.
Posted by: Anonymous | May 04, 2007 at 04:49 PM