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May 30, 2007


Cool, you're still posting. Have you thought about using this blog to profile the Republican candidates running for district council and at-large?


We'll be blogging as interesting news presents itself over the next few weeks and months as we head into the summer lull.

Keep checking back and make sure to subscribe to the blog feed to stay up to date. It's available at right.

Checking the Pulse

Don't forget the #1 Vote Getter At Large....

Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!

Lest we forget!

Don't forget the #1 Vote Getter At Large....

Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!

Lest we forget!

Don't forget the #1 Vote Getter At Large....

Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!

The Whole Truth

Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!

Electricians 4  Nutter

Nutter for Mayor! We were with you all along!! I was planned!!!! We love you and we are with you!!!!

Morris Young

If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey And asks you to show him your bum, do not show him your bum. This is a scam. He only wants to see your bum. I wish I had got this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap. -The Bum http://www.widgetmate.com

Where's Johnny????????

Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!
Jim Kenney SMOKED John Dougherty!


Hi, thank you for sharing this great info. Was just browsing through the net in my office and happened upon your blog. It is really very well written and quit comprehensive in explaining with a very simple language.

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