Inky's reporting that Bob Brady received a death threat before last night's debate. Chris Matthews did look like he wanted to go after Brady at the onset of the debate ...
Brady characterized the caller as "a coward" and added: "Cowards don't bother me."
In other news today, another group is ramping up its own issues-based ad campaign, likely to be targeting Michael Nutter and his crime plan. One Step Closer has previously paid Chaka Fattah/Mayor John Street ally/aide/cousin Shawn Fordham money for consulting work and it hosted the Hip Hop Summit last year that Fattah was a big part of.
Meanwhile, the candidates are still fighting for the pie of undecided voters, anti-casino activists are putting together their shadow election and Dwight Evans is gunning for Nutter's crime plan, too.
And Carol Campbell has been forced to testify in front of the ethics board by a city judge.
The board meets to handle possibly related business (we'll see) this morning. It's at the Philadelphia Bar Association, 11th and Market, 11th floor, 11 a.m. Get there 11 minutes early if you're going — security's tight.
UPDATE: From a Metro staffer that just returned from Chris Matthews' Metro-sponsored discussion at the Union League this morning: Matthews called last night's debate a "clown show." Sounds about right.